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Based in over 200 countries around the world
1 Connection is all it takes - So what are you waiting for?

About Goodlife Recruitment Solutions

Goodlife recruitment was born out of the concept of giving the 3 main stakeholders in the recruitment process the ‘Goodlife’ whilst championing the highest levels of recruitment practise across the industry. 

Having seen how a successful operation worked at a large recruitment firm, Adam observed the chance to tailor the experiences of both the client and candidate even further. He believed this would lead to further satisfaction for all concerned in the process of recruiting. For clients, with placements made more efficiently with extensive feedback provided to make more accurate hiring decisions in the future. And for Candidates, who receive a more tailored experience from start to finish, therefore becoming promotors of the business itself. He called this the ‘Goodlife’ and therefore Goodlife Recruitment Services was born.

Goodlife was also created with a higher purpose other than just being one of the industry’s leading recruitment companies. Part of Goodlife’s ongoing mission is to reinvest in its people and into the Charity’s it supports.

Goodlife support the following charities: 

The Little Comforts Trust – A Non profit organisation providing bereaved parents with essentials in their time of need

AirBnb.orgFunding short term housing for 100,000 fleeing Ukraine

Warrington Animal Welfare – Our local animal welfare charity where we also participate as ongoing foster parents of dogs looking for their forever home.

If you would wish to contribute directly to any of these charities please contact us on Hello@goodliferecruitment.co.uk for more information

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Job for anyone, anywhere